The school has a number of facilities to support programs. On our 4.5 hectare site we have:
o Three dedicated prep buildings (total five teaching
o Four modular dual classroom buildings
(total eight classrooms),
o Three double storey teaching space blocks (total 23
teaching spaces) and Special Education Program area, tuckshop and uniform shop
are also located in this area of the school.
o One administration and resources and activities block
which also includes a dedicated eLearning Centre.
o One Library-resource centre/ two activities areas, one
outside learning area / four teaching spaces.
o One hall with polymer sprung sports floor areas and
large cooling fans with court marking for badminton/volleyball, netball,
basketball – 2 metre run-out; activities rooms, kitchen with serveries,
amenities, and office and storage space for School-aged care program
(SACP/OSHC). Portable staging and public address system are also included.
o A wireless network services 1-1 laptop classrooms and
various other sites across the school.
o Three shade shelters and shade sails over external
handball courts-activities area
o One sports shed.
o One multipurpose court with two courts marked for
basketball, netball and tennis.
o Four adventure playgrounds.
o One oval playing area with cricket practice nets and
cricket pitch, with natural viewing embankments access path and shade shelters.
o One grounds maintenance shed.
o One Dental clinic (managed by Queensland Health
Various facilities are available for community use. Please email with any hire inquiries.
A community use agreement is used to establish conditions of facilities use and can be applied for via the school administration.
Teaching space, activities room and external space hire: please email School Administration or Phone: (07) 3725 5777.
Multi-purpose court hire: Multi-purpose court hire and junior tennis coaching is being handled by Ash Tennis. For more details please contact Ash Tennis on 0413 288 874 or email Ash Tennis.
The following facilities are managed via the Parents and Citizens association:
- Hall and hall kitchen
- Hall activities room
- Public Address System (PA) as part of hall hire.