There is a Brisbane City Council bus stop outside the main entrance to Jindalee State School.
School bus - BCC route S776 now services Sinnamon Park and Seventeen Mile Rocks: External link
Active School Travel (AST)
Jindalee State School has participated in Brisbane City Council’s Active School Travel Program from 2010. At the end of 2012 JSS won the runner-up Award for AST- School of Excellence.
We were accepted into the 2015 Active School Travel program and worked closely with the Council to reduce congestion and increase the numbers of children actively travelling to and from school.
Although we are currently not part of Brisbane City Council's Active School Travel Program we continue to promote active travel and healthy living through the promotion of a number of activities throughout our school. These include a weekly Walking Bus conducted by our adopt-a-cop Senior Constable Ben Harm, Ride to School Day, Walk to School Day and a Year 4 bike safety program.