
Teaching and Learning


Our teaching and learning is informed by the Department of Education’s ‘P-12 curriculum, assessment and reporting framework’ External link, which specifies the requirements for each Queensland state school in delivering the curriculum from Prep to Year 12. 

This framework reflects the Equity and Excellence: Realising the potential of every student strategy and is based on the committment to equity and excellence in education—that all children and young people are confident, creative lifelong learners active in their community. Achieving this vision requires a collective understanding of what we all stand for and how we will make it a reality.

At Jindalee State School we believe all students are entitled to a high quality education that engages, challenges, and extends.  By providing an optimal, inclusive learning environment, we shape critical, curious and creative thinkers.

Last reviewed 31 October 2024
Last updated 31 October 2024