Welcome to our Library
Located in the new Kirinari building, the library is a welcoming, vibrant place of learning, promoting reading, collaboration and lifelong learning.
A wide range of print and online resources encourage students’ recreational reading and support students’ learning across the curriculum.
Library Services:
Created a 'Detective Theme' as a fun way to support learning as students develop skills to search for clues and locate evidence to verify their findings in all subject areas.
Plan and teach co-operatively with teachers. Lessons are embedded within class units of work, and are offered through Information Literacy and Inquiry Learning. This makes available great opportunities for differentiation.
Provides quality reading experiences that enrich growth and promote a love of reading through lessons, displays and promotions such as 'Readers of the Week', 'Lucky Book Borrowed' and 'Guess the Title or Subject Competition'.
Assists students either individually, as a group and whole class.
Organises and creates flexible learning spaces suitable for individual, small and large groups and comfortable furniture for students to relax, read and talk.
The library is open for borrowing and browsing:
Before school 8.30 am (Monday to Friday).
Second Break 1.10 pm to 1.40 pm (Monday to Thursday).
Students enjoy games, art activities, computer access.
Parents are welcome to visit before school.
Book Loans have a two week time limit. Younger classes borrow weekly. Overdue notices are issued weekly.
The Catalogue
E-Library is the library management system and the catalogue can be accessed via any computer in the school.
A satellite collection stores reading scheme books, together with Science and Maths resources.
Other online collections
Library Services EQ
Queensland Museum
Brisbane City Council Libraries
State Library of Queensland
The National Library of Australia
Australian and online resources; books, images, historic newspapers, maps, music, archives and more.
For more information about the Library’s services, resources and activities, visit the Library Website soon to be established.