Jindalee State School offers an extensive music program, both in the classroom and at an extra-curricular level.

Extra-curricular Music (open to all students)
Choral Program
Jindalee State School currently has a Year 3, 4 and a combined 5/6. From early in Term 1, we encourage our students to register their interest in our choral program. These groups perform at various events throughout the school year, including the school’s ANZAC ceremony, annual fete and the end of year concert. Rehearsals are held weekly during school time and we expect our students to demonstrate their commitment to the program by attending all rehearsals and performances as this is vital to the development of our quality choral program.
Participation in our choral program gives our students a wonderful opportunity to further their enjoyment of singing. In doing so there are a number of associated benefits including feeling part of a team, developing self-esteem and confidence, strengthening social skills, developing performance skills and engaging in cooperative learning to achieve a common goal.
Marimba Band
Jindalee State School has a long tradition of using marimbas as part of our active and hands on classroom music program. This thriving school marimba community was originally founded by Jindalee State School’s music teacher Nikki Cox and is now being overseen by Miss Donna Fatima Miller (aka Miss M), who has a wealth of experience teaching marimba ensembles in schools Australia wide, at festivals and in various community music projects.
We also offer a very popular and specialised after school senior marimba program under the tutelage of our passionate and enthusiastic music teacher Miss M. In this one hour weekly class, students have the opportunity to be part of an ensemble dedicated to marimba music, while learning to play complex, creative, innovative and original music with a focus on fun!
The Marimba, otherwise known as a Xylophone, is a delightfully melodic tuned percussion instrument which lends itself beautifully to instantaneous music making! This makes it a highly accessible instrument for people of all ages, regardless of any prior musical experience.
The benefits of marimba playing include recreational music making, discipline and skill development, but intrinsic to the marimba experience is group awareness and musical connection to other people. The instrument is also a physics lesson by nature as it integrates the science of acoustics with the art of music. All this allows for a fun, positive and socially creative music making experience.
The ‘Jindalee Entertainment and Talent Showcase’ (JETS) has become a hugely popular event on the school calendar. All students from Years Prep-6 are eligible to enter as individuals or a group. A series of heats is scheduled in Term 3 and a range of acts is selected to perform for the whole school community in the Showcase Finale.
Strings Program
Students in Year 3 have the opportunity to be selected for the Strings program. All students are assessed at the end of Year 2 and selected students are offered a place in the program. Selection criteria include musical aptitude, interest and demonstrated commitment to the music program to date. Students enrolled in the program receive small group tuition and progressively participate in the various string ensembles, for which they will be required to attend regular rehearsals and performances. (Beginner Strings, Junior Strings and Senior Strings).
Band Program
The band program is offered to students in Year 4. Students have the opportunity to be selected for the band program (woodwind, brass and percussion). All students are assessed at the end of Year 3 and selected students are offered a place in the program. Selection criteria include musical aptitude, interest and demonstrated commitment in the music program to date.
Students enrolled in the program receive small group tuition and progressively participate in the various bands, for which they will be required to attend regular rehearsals and performances. (Junior Band and Senior Band). The band program at Jindalee State School is a three year commitment. The Senior Band perform at various school and community events.

Expansion of Music into the Wider Community
The Music program at Jindalee State School has become widely recognised within the Queensland music education community. Professional development workshops and courses are regularly run on campus throughout the year. ‘Classes in Action’ are incorporated into some of our courses, in which visiting teachers and pre-service teachers observe the Orff pedagogy in action.
Students regularly experience performances and workshops from artists-in-residence and other professionals within the music industry, and our choirs and instrumental ensembles often perform for the wider school community, both on and off school campus.
Parental support and involvement is encouraged and greatly appreciated, making music at Jindalee an integral and dynamic facet of the school and local community.