


The Jindalee State School Parents & Citizens Association

The Jindalee State School P&C Association consists of a group of parents who are focussed on supporting school programs, raising funds and providing services to the school community.

The ways you can support our school are numerous - and the P&C is a group through which many of these activities can be channelled. If you have a particular area you can offer support, even if you believe you have only limited time to give, we would love to hear from you!


Who? You! You are the Parents & Citizens of Jindalee State School!

It's as easy as coming along to a meeting and filling in a form. Once you've done that, you are a part of the P&C!!

What? We are a group of people who work with each other and the school administration to make our school the best it can be.

When? Whenever you can! We meet once a month (usually on the third Monday of the month), but once you've 'joined', meetings aren't compulsory - you help whenever and however works best for you.

Where? All around you! Right here in Jindalee, in your family, at your home and possibly even at your workplace - the ways you can actively be part of the P&C are all around you!

Why? That's the easy part - for the kids!! We want our kids to go to a school that is the best it can be!

How? All sorts of ways! We don't all bake cakes (most of us can't!) We meet, we discuss and we get stuff done! Some help sort chicken chippies onto cooking trays once a week, some design our next event logo.. whatever skill you have, you can use it to support our school!


*Tuckshop - aka The Jindalee Snack Shack!

The Snack Shack is open Monday to Friday for first and second breaks, serving healthy and delicious Morning Tea and Lunch items for our students. Click here for our current menu!** 

Uniform Shop

Our Uniform shop sells new and pre-loved uniforms at great prices. This keeps costs down and ensures that any profits are given back into the school. Click here for trading hours and price list! ** 

School Age Care Program

Our SACP provides quality care for students before & after school and during school holidays. This is a very popular program with both children, parents and JSS staff! Click here for their website! External link 


We run a number of annual events designed not only to fundraise for school projects/programs, but also to foster a positive community spirit! Keep an eye on our Facebook page and school newsletters for the latest info!

Communication/Support Squad

Want to keep up with what is going on at JSS? 'Like' our Facebook page: @jsspandc for the most up to date info. Keep an eye out for the link to join our Support Squad email list - Coming soon!!


Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month (school terms only). Come along to hear about the ways we support our school and community.

Make sure you 'Like' and ‘Follow’ us on Facebook for the latest information!




Instagram External link

Last reviewed 28 November 2023
Last updated 28 November 2023