Have you or your partner registered for QParents? If not, this week you will receive another QParents invitation to register and then connect to your child's data. The email will come from QParents; it is not spam.
Remember, by registering for QParents you can use the app to save you time by being able to...
- complete all consent forms, including the annual Online Services Consent Survey, due to be released in January and excursions;
- notify the office of a past, present or future absence; no need to call or email anymore, and you get an email to confirm the absence has been recorded;
- receive your child/ren's report card as soon as they are released; no more needing to hunt through emails; and
- update your contact details; again, no need to call or email.
If you need support in finalising or working through the registration process, email eLearning@jindaleess.eq.edu.au.